

Schulz Compressors wins the RA 1000 Seal

Award offered by the website Reclame Aqui considered the growth of the company’s reputation

The dedication of Schulz Compressores to achieving excellence in customer service was once again recognized. The company received the RA 1000 Seal, from the Reclame Aqui website, exceeding all minimum requirements:

– It responded to 100% of the complaints (minimum is 90%).
– The solution rate reached 93.4% (minimum is 90%).
– Among the people who searched the site, 77% would do business with Schulz again (minimum is 70%).
– The average consumer score was 8.67 (minimum is 7).

The company’s reputation on Reclame Aqui has grown steadily in recent years, and now the efforts are to maintain the level of customer satisfaction. The website’s team conducts periodic assessments of company data in order to maintain the RA 1000 Seal.



About Schulz Compressors
Schulz Compressores S.A. is the largest manufacturer of air compressors in Latin America, with presence in 70 countries, on all continents. Headquartered in Joinville, SC, it offers the residential, professional, and industrial markets a complete line in the generation, treatment, and storage of compressed air.

In Brazil, the company has more than 7,000 resellers and has the largest technical support network for compressors in Latin America, with more than 500 service stations.